
Our glossary of private capital terms

A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z


A Termgrid is a tool used in debt financing transactions to outline and negotiate the terms and conditions of a proposed loan or credit facility. By utilizing a termgrid, parties involved in debt financing can more efficiently manage complex negotiations, compare offers from multiple lenders, and streamline the overall financing process. This approach is particularly valuable in the private debt capital markets, where transactions often involve multiple parties and complex terms.

A termgrid is typically presented in a “grid” or table format, often using Excel spreadsheet software, however in recent years the industry has moved towards more modern technology and termgrids are now part of digital platforms like Termgrid, which digitize the grids for easier negotiation, analysis, and comparison.

Termgrids serve as a basis for preparing subsequent credit agreements and security documentation, ensuring that final documents align with the negotiated terms.

Termgrid tools often allow for customization of templates to suit specific transaction needs.

Systematic negotiation

Termgrids facilitate systematic negotiation between borrowers and lenders, often featuring mark-up/track changes modes for easier collaboration.

A termgrid includes detailed information on loan terms such as:

  • Type and amount of financing
  • Interest rates and margins
  • Repayment structure
  • Covenants and conditions
  • Security arrangements
  • Fees and other costs
  • Legal clauses and specific language

Digitial termgrids: Using a platform like Termgrid helps maintain a clear negotiation history, which is particularly useful in case of personnel changes or for future reference.